Denali Dave

My Status: Now living in Anchorage...

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Location: Anchorage, Alaska, United States

May you always walk with Angels! I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up...

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Friday, February 23, 2007

New Phone, Diane, and Kristin

Well folks… As you can surely tell, I've been very busy for a while doing the hospital thing (war wounds) and a National Geo around the world thing. I'll post some pictures that I think are really cool when I get time. Been getting a lot of calls and emails from you all that I haven't been able respond to, so will try to answer your questions this way:

Yes, I have a new phone and phone number for those of you trying to call me…Works all over the world now…kinda neat. If you want the number, just email or write and tell me. Don't want to post it here for the obvious reasons.

How is Diane doing? She's doing just fine. Although, she is in the process of going through some hard times with surgery and the chemo thing. Part of life and she'll do just fine. We all, of course, sure miss Tom. Jim is an Army Captain and a company commander now…and, overseas fighting a war. I'm especially proud of him…

Have I talked to Kristin yet? And, has she read my open letter to her? Nope, sadly I haven't talked to her and just don't know about the letter. As most of you all know I tried a number of ways to get it to her and past those not wanting her to talk to me. It's still on all my blogs so maybe she'll see it one day. I'm a bit concerned that I may have caused her problems over that too… I think some are real scared she'll learn the truth someday. Actually, if I die before I get to talk to her…I've a number of friends that have known me for a long time that will make sure she knows the truth about me. I surely don't want her to go through life with that kind of regret. Still, I've not given up hope—just a little concerned that the doctors can't keep me alive long enough for her to turn 18. But, if I'm still breathing…I will be at her high school graduation in 2008.

Nope, I didn't take her on a cruise last summer cause I couldn't talk to her about it. I don't even know if she has a passport or even if she would have wanted to go. Yes, if I get the chance I'll take her around the world this next summer. She'll have to talk to me and decide whether to start in Europe (go east) or the Far East (go West). I'm not even going to try to guess whether she'll figure out a way to communicate with me or not…Can't tell if she reads my blogs or not either.

Do I know her college plans or whether she might want to go to a military academy…? As you can tell from the above, I have no clue. And, yes, I know time is running out for that. I do know she doesn't have a military ID card yet since I have to sign for it…

Any other questions? Email me again and I'll try to keep up…


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