Acrimonious Comment? You bet it is…
Still, I’m not impressed with “Anonymous.” At least, and to some people’s chagrin, I’ve always had enough grit to stand up and look someone straight in the eyes and say what I wanted to say. I’ve always thought that if an individual was going to say something…they should not be afraid to put their name on it. After all, if one is afraid to include their name, then doesn’t it indicate that they are so insecure, so paranoid, so unsure that the validity of what they say comes into question. By the way, I’ll surely respond and discuss any subject, but I’ll no longer accept anonymous comments, so you’ll need to just sign in then all will be well.
So, to the first statement from Mr/Mrs Anonymous that comes from “A Letter To Dad.”: This is a quote: "You taught me well. I will do the same for my children." I pray you're not claiming you followed through on this. I knew your father, and he was a much better man than I know you have been. I respect your father very much, and wish that his influence on you had been a bit more indicative of what you would really become.” Makes me think that maybe I should join a “religious cult” so I could be prayed for and be more submissive and lose my freedom of thought. First, I seriously doubt that Mr/Mrs Anonymous really “knew” my father. They certainly don’t know him now…since he died a hard death in 1991. Yes, he was a fine man and a truly hard act to follow--nearly impossible I think. I never thought it was smart to try and compete with him…and, I never even tried because I would have lost. He, of course, had his weak points and his strong points—as we all do. But, I seriously doubt anyone other than my mother (deceased) and my sister could have respected him as much as I did. He will not be forgotten. And, followed through on what…? Teaching…? Oh, I taught the children and touched their lives. Unfortunately, I was “jerked” from their lives because of a divorce and an incredibly acrimonious woman that would say anything to hurt me and improve her position—a story of her life actually. Yes, that is quite sad to me as well. It’ll serve no purpose now to go into what happened.
And, the next comment from Mr/Mrs Anonymous. (Sounds like Mr/Mrs Anonymous has a personal interest in this.): I read your letter to your daughter and found it quite contradictory. You say your son (I'm assuming he's adopted as you certainly favor your daughter over her "half brothers.") told your daughter that you were trying to buy her love, and you deny it in the letter. And yet the last paragraph(of your letter to your daughter) is PURE BRIBERY. You seem like an intelligent man, but at the same time, you spout rhetoric that seems like a shell concealing something much more disquieting. You need to learn that you cannot manipulate your daughter. Let her make her own decision, or she'll see you as exactly what you're coming across as. Contradictory…? I don’t think so, but this is a rambling letter to my daughter, an attempt on my part to let her see my heart, to know her Dad so that when she is my age (old), she won’t have quite so many regrets as she thinks back on her life. Yes, sometimes I’m not as good as I should be in telling someone that I love them, or that I even care. I am trying to improve on that… Still, nothing is now more important than conveying the truth to Kristin. I believe my faith and trust in her abilities are clearly stated in my letter to her.
Favor my daughter over my sons…? Adopted…? Mr/Mrs Anonymous must live in Brainerd or Baxter, Minnesota (Crow Wing County). And, yes, they are adopted. Fine boys I think. It’s truly unfortunate that I was unable to get them the counseling they needed when they were 10 years old–this again goes back to the nasty divorce. I was terribly misled about the first 5 years of the boy’s lives. Actually, I understand that their true father has come back into their lives. And, he is a fine man. I am still proud of them and watch from the sidelines…but, I backed out of their lives in favor of their ‘real” father since I believe it’s in their best interests. Isn’t preparing our children to go into the world as hard working, responsible adults what it’s all about. Besides, these young men are married and raising their own children now…they are full grown and pretty much on their own. And, it wasn’t their Dad that caused the boys problems early in their life as I was told…
And, the next comment from Mr/Mrs Anonymous: …told your daughter that you were trying to buy her love, and you deny it in the letter. Not much explanation needed here. Anyone with any reasonable intelligence knows you can’t buy love… Well, maybe friendship. At least until the money goes away and then the friend goes away.
And finally, the most disturbing part of the comment from Mr/Mrs Anonymous: And yet the last paragraph(of your letter to your daughter) is PURE BRIBERY. You seem like an intelligent man, but at the same time, you spout rhetoric that seems like a shell concealing something much more disquieting. You need to learn that you cannot manipulate your daughter. Let her make her own decision, or she'll see you as exactly what you're coming across as. First, I must say that this writing sounds much like what a “leader” in a religious cult might say to attack me, to convince me to join their cult so I would see the world only like they wanted me to see it. Certainly chock full of anger. You know, like the anger a paranoid schizophrenic demonstrates with their “enemy.” Maybe even sociopathic I think. This does concern me greatly too. Obviously, Kristin has been manipulated since the divorce. Just think, I am her father…why, is it so unattainable for me to see her? To even talk to her on the phone, or email messages? Why do you believe I have to resort to “open letters” to even try to communicate with her? Clearly, someone doesn’t want her to know me. Has she been sucked into a religious cult…? Have they taken her freedom to think…? This is the kind of horror stuff we see all to often…you know, children shut in basements, kept from watching TV, hidden from the trials and tribulations of the real world that one day they’ll have to deal with…all in the name of “protecting” them from the world. Good grief! What chance of success is there for these children. How do they learn to cope with the real world, the world where we all must live.
Okay, and finally: PURE BRIBERY… This is likely just a case of standards that we as individuals are used to... But, just because I can easily afford these things, and Mr/Mrs Anonymous can’t…doesn’t make me wrong. Actually, I see nothing wrong with providing my daughter with nice things that I can afford…stuff that many of her peers enjoy. My parents bought me a car during high school and one for my graduation—and taught me responsibility. They bought me a 4X5 Speed Graphic Camera and a complete darkroom when I was a high school junior, forever opening my eyes to the world of light and imagination. There was a lot more too.
Mr/Mrs Anonymous why are you attacking me—I mean, the real reason…?