Denali Dave

My Status: Now living in Anchorage...

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Location: Anchorage, Alaska, United States

May you always walk with Angels! I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up...

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Parental Alienation Awareness Day -- April 25th

Happy New Year to all, and I hope you are off to a good start. We are beginning our Parental Alienation Awareness Day/April 25th with our Governor's campaign.

We are again looking for representatives to ask their governors to proclaim April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day. We are pleased that the governors of the states of Florida, Indiana, Connecticut, Montana, Kentucky, Iowa, Maine, Nevada, and Nebraska have issued either proclamations or recognitions of April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day.

The process is fairly easy and straightforward, and PAAO has the proclamation wording and petition request, along with statistics, articles, and much information about Parental Alienation. The requirement, however, is that a proclamation must be requested by, and sent to, a resident of that state.

We are calling on our United States residents to request proclamations from their governors so that everyone in every state will be made aware of the pain and damage parental alienation behaviors do to our children and families.

If you are interested in helping us get proclamations from our governors for April 25th, please respond to, and I will be happy to send you the necessary information for your state. Patience and perseverance are key.

Let's make 2008 the year that all children will be able to give and receive all of the love they deserve.

Robin Denison-VP and co-founder

Parental Alienation Awareness Organization (PAAO)

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