Denali Dave

My Status: Now living in Anchorage...

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Location: Anchorage, Alaska, United States

May you always walk with Angels! I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up...

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

I give up...

Hey all... I need the world to hear me... Someone, please help... I created the parental alienation group for a reason. A very, very long time ago. I was very sad and alone. I missed my little girl, Kristin, so much I didn't know what to do... Imagine, a full grown man crying himself to sleep? I was so very alone. Still, I did not realize how many others were in the same situation as I. But now , the doctors tell me I'm out of time. So,now I need help. Who is going to stand up and carry on for me? I spent my life fighting for our freedoms and I'm dying of wounds I received during that fight. I saved a few, but not nearly enough to make my life worthwhile. And, I have a lot of regrets... Sometimes I still can't stop crying. And, I'm a "proven" tough guy. So, now I need help... Who do I turn to for help...? I really have no one. So, I need one of you to step up and carry on. I know one of you can do it...I know that. So, step it. Surely, there's more than one of you. If I could do can surely do it. Please...get off your ass and make a difference. give my life some meaning. Not just for my daughter, but for all the sons and daughters that need help...that cry themselves to sleep without knowing why... I would only ask that our children be taught understanding and forgiveness. My daughter, Kristin Jean is quite religious. But, apparently, she's never really learned about true forgiveness or understanding. There must be many mothers and fathers and sons and daughters that really don't understand true forgiveness...and that none of us are perfect. We should do everything we can to teach our many of us have not made any mistakes...? And, what can we do to... One of my greatest regrets is that I haven't had the chance to explain to my daughter...or even ask for her forgiveness. How can you truly believe in God without understanding forgiveness? Isn't that why Christ hung on the cross? Talk about parental alienation...and christian cults... In any case, before I go out...I would ask that someone puts together a very large group with the same objective. Lets us take a trip somewhere in the world...somewhere that all can afford it. I like the idea of a cruise... Like a cruise or a gathering somewhere all would enjoy. And, wouldn't it be particularly fine if we could bring our estranged children at the same time. All we have to do is offer them the of charge. We'll pay for it somehow... So, while I can't do it anymore, I know there is someone out there that can put their heart into it and organize something of this sort. Make it happen. Surely, someone is out there that has enough 100's of millions that most of us can't understand...please help all of us see our children again... Feel their little arms around our necks. What more can I say... What goes around, comes around. No matter your beliefs in God... So, please...someone stand up, step forward...whoever you are. It can be done. We can do this. I won't be much help...but I'll surely give it my best. If someone out there can afford it...maybe you can help reunite some families. I can tell you...the pain of losing a loved one is one of the most hurtful, devastating, and... I can't finish...I can still feel my daughter's little arms wrapped around my neck as she sobbed...daddy I don't want to go!